Specialised Film Bags

UK Manufacturer of Specialised Film Bags

Many Industries require the use of Special Films or Bags for a particular application and we make every effort to provide whatever quality of film you may have a requirement for. The following are some of the Specialised films which we currently manufacture:

  • Low Melt EVA Film and Bags. Widely used in the Rubber and Chemical Industries and supplied under our registered Trade mark ‘MELTEM’ our products are well known, tested and proven over many years. Our experience in this field over the last 30 years enables us to provide materials with excellent Dispersal qualities ideally suited for chemical additives in the Rubber Industry. Bags and Films can be supplied which can have specified melt temperatures to ensure controlled melt. Our products are manufactured and supplied for Home and European markets – If you require more details please complete our Enquiry form and full specifications can be provided.
  • Anti-Static Bags and Films. For the packaging of electronic equipment or fine or inflammable powders. The elimination of the dangers of static is now possible.
  • Linear Low Density Film and Bags. Film with increased strength compared to ordinary Low Density film. The extra toughness means that a lesser gauge will provide the same strength.
  • Coloured Film and Bags. Available from stock in a limited range of gauges & sizes but we can supply to your specifications.
  • Low Slip Film and Bags. Reduces the problems of stacking polythene wrapped goods.
  • Micro Perforated Film and Bags. As required to your specification.
  • Polypropylene Bags. All sizes for Textile Retailing with self adhesive flaps, Perfs, Printing, Mitred corners, Quality film. For high quality bags look no further. Our bags end up in many famous stores including Next, Mothercare, M & S, and many more.
  • BIO-Degradable Bags. The active agent that makes the material Bio-Degradable is catalyst which is added to the polythene when it is being extruded. This reacts with sunlight and the reaction starts to break down the molecular chains in the material. The material complies with EU directives (2002/72/EC and 2004/19/EC) relating to plastics that come into contact with foods. The material can be used for everything that polythene is used for including Food, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Agricultural, Mailing/ Postal Bags etc. The material which is used is not made from Corn Starch and is Recyclable like some of the earlier types.
  • Water Soluble Bags. Hot and Cold water soluble bags are available for for Laundry use etc…
  • Other Products including – Polythene Capes/Ponchos – Stretch and Shrink pallet Bags – Tapes – Disposables etc…

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